SammanakarnBangpakong Park
This hotel is a four-story building near Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University Chachoengsao and Sothonwararam Temple, operated by the university itself. It is also an operation center for students majoring in Tourism and Hotel at Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University Chachoengsao. The hotel is on Marupong Road, Na Muang Sub-district opposite to the Praya Si Sunthonwohan monument. Inside the hotel rooms, there is no porch as the room is decorated with glass and is homey with plenty of space, en-suite bathrooms and standard facilities, such as air-conditioners, televisions, refrigerators, and water heaters.
Address : 422, Marupong Road, Na-Muang Sub-district, Muang District, Chachoengsao 24000 Contact : 038-512-501, 038-810-541